On this page we'll introduce YOU to various Native American Languages and highlight important areas on those
languages... Here is an example:
phonetically, while others are written as found in
Lakota books. Also, others may speak or spell a word differently; that is just fine. After all, we are all learning together!
Haw (how) = Hello Haw Kola (how kola) = Hello male friend Haw Mushkay (how moosh kay) = Hello female friend Traditionally, in keeping with proper etiquette,
the female waited for the male to say "haw" first.
Note: wa glay kshoun (turkey) na (and) taspan openmipi wag moo zee (pumpkin
Phoenetic spelling: Oh makah txay ja = New Year! Written spelling at a guess: Omaka ta ja
Written spelling may be: te hu wan ci yun ke sni.
Phonetic spelling: ee nah zhee (yea) or (yo)
Male speaking to one person = He you woe. Male
speaking to two or more = He you poe. Female speaking to one person = He you way. Female
speaking to two or more = He you pee.
Hunta yo = Get out of the way; something's coming (male). Hunta yea = Get out of the way; something's coming (female).
Lay um pay tue keyn, Lakota (Nakota/Dakota) oh ya tay keyn, txa wa pay. =
This day belongs to the Lakota (Nakota/Dakota) people.
Doka hwo? = What's up? (Note: Very informal greeting; hwo is an elder male ending, so only use if
you want to be considered an elder male!)
Hunta yea/yo = Get out of the way. (yea = female ending; yo = male ending)
Tiyospaye (tee-osh-pa-yea) = Extended family Tiwahe (tee-wa-hey) = Immediate family Ospaye (ohsh-pa-yea) = Tribe family (Sicangu Lakota, Oglala Lakota, etc.) Oyate (oh-ya-tay) = Entire nation (Lakota, Dakota, Nakota Oyate)
1. Nexhuitzilin- colibrí gris (grey hummingbird) 2. Quetzalhuitzilin-
colibrí verde (green hummingbird) 3. Kokotzin- gavilán (sparrow hawk) 4. Zollin- codorniz (quail) 5. Kakalotl- cuervo
(raven/crow) 6. Chikuauhtli- lechuza (barn owl) 7. Tizapapalotl- mariposa blanca (white butterfly) 8. Kuauhtli- águila
(eagle) 9. Huexolotl- guajolote (turkey) 10. Tekolotl- tecolote (great horned owl) 11. Alotl- guacamaya (macaw) 12.
Ketzaltototl- pájaro quetzal (quetzal bird) 13. Cochotl/toznene- loro/papagayo (parrot)
