What to do/Not to do
It's always good to see people from many different backgrounds attending powwows, and learning more about
Native cultures and ways, but sometimes not everyone acts as they should. Here are some general guidlines to follow:
The Arena:
Blessed before dancing, the arena is considered a sacred ground and should be treated with respect. Profanity
and unruly behavior should not be used. Never cut across it to get to the opposite side. Treat the arena as you would treat
a church. Go in the "door" and out the same way. The MC will specify who is to dance and when, and when spectators may participate.
Photos of individual dancers should only be taken with their permission, and no commercial photography without
first checking with the MC and powwow staff. Tape recording of the drums should be done only after asking the drum group.
Video recording should be only for personal use, unless by previous arrangement with the staff. ABSOLUTELY NO RECORDING
of any kind on Honor Songs, Gourd Dancing, prayers, or at any other time the MC specifies.
Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs:
Powwows have strict rules against alcohol and drug use in the entire area of the powwow, and most prohibit
smoking near the arena.
Arts and Crafts:
At any given powwow, you will find a wide array of Indian arts, handmade crafts, and jewelry for sale. Often
this is how these vendors make a living, and sell quality goods at a reasonable price. Not all vendors accept checks,
so it is a good idea to have cash on hand. Please use care when handling merchandise, and please watch your children!
The Regalia:
Dancers wear traditional regalia, NOT costumes, when they dance. Every part of a dancer's regalia
is very important to him or her for various reasons. Many hours go into the intricate beadwork and detailing, and full set
of regalia may take years to complete. The feathers or leather may be over 100 years old and very fragile. Please never handle
any part of a dancer's outfit.